The Upper Deschutes from Crane Prairie up to Little Lava is flowing strong

by The Fly Fishers Place

The Upper Deschutes from Crane Prairie up to Little Lava is flowing strong and is a good pick for nymph fishing for whitefish and brook trout. Jigs and Perdigons and little Euro Streamers are awesome now.
Ants and Beetles are a great bet for dries, and look for caddis and pmd’s throughout the river and callibaetis in the Blue Pool area.
I have heard good reports on the Upper D from Wickiup down towards Sunriver. You’ll want to float it. Pound streamers off the banks and look for hatches of BWO, Trico’s (very early AM), PMD and Mahogany Duns. I doubt flows will be conducive for a good float for too much longer as Wickiup is dangerously close to going dry again this year, so the tap will be shut off soon.