Ilwaco (Marine Area 1) recreational salmon season update

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Action: Closes Chinook retention. Reopens salmon fishing in the previously closed area from Columbia River north to the tip of Leadbetter Point and within approximately 3 miles of shore.

Effective date: Aug. 23 through Sept. 30, 2022

Species affected: Salmon

Location: Marine Area 1

Rules and Locations: Marine Area 1 (entire area except control zone). Daily limit is two. Coho minimum size is 16". Other salmon species no minimum size. Release Chinook and wild coho.

Reason for action: This rule change is necessary to extend salmon seasons in Ilwaco. Area 1 catch is approaching the Chinook quota for the season, and a portion of that quota must be reserved to account for release mortalities if the area is to remain open for coho fishing. The coho quota for the area is 84,000 which will allow for significant angling opportunity during the remainder of the salmon season.

Additional information: Columbia River Control Zone is closed to fishing for salmon, except open to fishing from the north jetty when adjacent waters north of the Control Zone are open to fishing for salmon or the Buoy 10 fishery is open to fishing from salmon.

Marine Areas 1 through 4 are scheduled to close Sept. 30, but areas could close earlier if quotas are met.

Anglers can be notified of any in-season rules changes as they are announced by signing up for WDFW regulation updates at

Information contact: Fish Program 360-902-2700

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