Trout fishing is open in the Rogue
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Trout fishing is open in the Rogue with a daily bag limit of 5 adipose fin-clipped (hatchery) trout. Wild trout must be immediately released unharmed. Salmon flies are done, so most trout action will be subsurface on nymphs.
Wild steelhead retention is closed. Hatchery steelhead retention is open year-round. The summer steelhead run has been very good this year. As of Aug. 17 2,268 summer steelhead have returned to Cole Rivers Hatchery. Anglers can subscribe to the most current fish counts or visit the fish counts website as updated counts are not always available at the writing of the Recreation Report.
Anglers are reminded that the Hatchery Hole, which encompasses the hatchery dam to 1200 feet below, is now open for hatchery steelhead and trout, but closed year-round to Chinook fishing.
For up-to-date river levels, check all the USGS Rogue gauges here.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, August 24th, 2022Ana Reservoir: Ana Reservoir was stocked early this month
Beulah Reservoir: Beulah Reservoir has now been drained to minimum pool
Blitzen River: Flows in the Blitzen are now around 30 cfs
Bully Creek Reservoir: Reservoir levels are currently very low and dropping fast
Chewaucan River: As the river drops and keeps getting warmer try fishing early in the morning
Owyhee Reservoir: Owyhee Reservoir Fishing Report
Owyhee River: Lower Owyhee River Report
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Cooper Creek Reservoir Fishing Report
Diamond Lake: Anglers are having success targeting brown trout
Galesville Reservoir: The reservoir is dropping and may drop more quickly as the summer progresses
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Reservoir level is low but has leveled off
Hyatt Lake: Very little if any fishing pressure
Lake Selmac: Trout anglers will want to target deeper areas near the dam
Rogue River - Middle: Trout fishing is open
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