Currently flows are around 1,500 cfs
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Fishing is generally best when flows are below 3,000 cfs. Currently flows are around 1,500 cfs at the Waterloo gauge.
Summer steelhead returns are improved this year. Best sections to fish are from Waterloo upstream to just below Foster Dam. Over 1,500 summer steelhead have already entered the ladder at Foster as of Aug. 8. As a reminder, fishing for chinook is closed from Aug. 31 to Oct 15. to protect spawning fish.
Anglers may see salmon actively spawning along the river. Please keep your distance and do not disturb them during this time so they can complete this vital step in their life cycle. Also, please keep your dog away from salmon carcasses as they can make dogs very ill, even fatally so, if they are consumed.
Hatchery trout harvest season reopened on May 22. Fishing with bait is only allowed between April 22 and Oct 31. Anglers are reminded that only fin-clipped trout may be kept.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, October 5th, 2022Upper Klamath Lake: Most redband trout have moved back to the lake
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Klamath River Fishing Report
Lake Of The Woods: Lake of the Woods has been stocked heavily
Miller Lake: Hatchery rainbow trout are still available
Sprague River: Best fishing is near the town of Beatty
North Fork Sprague River: Water temperatures have decreased
South Fork Sprague River: Fishing for redband trout is best near Blaisdell
Wood River: Fishing for brown trout and redband trout should be good this week
Applegate Reservoir: The elevation of the reservoir is dropping close to the1,908-foot mark
Ben Irving Reservoir: Bass fishing may be good for a few more weeks
Chetco River: Salmon fishing has been good for boat anglers in the estuary
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Bluegill fishing is likely to remain good for a few weeks
Elk River: Elk River Fishing Report
Fish Lake : Fish Lake is filling with the input of various springs
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Howard Prairie remains at 6 percent full
Illinois River: Illinois River Fishing Report
Rogue River - Middle: Some fall Chinook have been caught but fishing is slow
Rogue River- Upper: Reservoir releases have dropped to their typical October levels
Sixes River: Sixes River Fishing Report
Winchuck River: Slow
Alsea River: Fall Chinook fishing has been good on the Alsea
Kilchis River: Trout fishing is fair
Miami River: Trout fishing is fair
Necanicum River: Fall Chinook are available in the estuary
Nehalem River: Fall Chinook fishing has improved on Nehalem Bay
Nestucca River: Fall Chinook fishing is fair to good in Nestucca Bay
Trask River: Trask River Fishing Report
Wilson River: Summer steelhead are still available to catch in the Wilson River
Eagle Creek: Eagle Creek is currently low and clear
Foster Reservoir: The drawdown of the reservoir for winter storage capacity has started
Green Peter Reservoir: The water level in this reservoir is slowly beginning to drop
Sandy River: Coho fishing has been off to a slow start
Santiam River ( North Fork) : Santiam River North Fork Report

NEWPORT, Ore – The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) and ODFW closed all razor clam harvesting from the Washington border...... Read More