Flows are currently around 430 cfs
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
This river is open year-round to fishing, and with winter right around the corner, trout are going to want to fatten up beforehand. Flows are still in excellent shape and the summer crowds are gone. Fly-fishing techniques work very well here, but bait is also allowed. Flows are currently around 430 cfs where it flows into Detroit Reservoir and dropping. Trout are stocked throughout the summer months.
Anglers may see salmon actively spawning along the river. Please keep your distance and do not disturb them during this time so they can complete this vital step in their life cycle. Also, please keep your dog away from salmon carcasses as they can make dogs very ill, even fatally so, if they are consumed.
Anglers may keep up to five trout per day. Remember, this section of river is closed to salmon fishing.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, October 12th, 2022
Campbell Reservoir: There are likely no fish in the reservoir
Upper Klamath Lake: Upper Klamath Lake Report
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Klamath River Report
Lake Of The Woods: Fishing for yellow perch remains a good bet
Sprague River: Best fishing is near the town of Beatty
Williamson River: The river is exceedingly clear and flows are low
Wood River: Fishing for brown trout and redband trout should be good this week
Agate Lake: Agate remains at 13 percent full at the end of irrigation season
Coos River: The wild coho season in the Coos Basin closes on Oct. 15
Coquille River: Anglers have been catching striped bass in the lower Coquille River
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant remains at 4 percent full at the end of irrigation season
Fish Lake : Fish Lake is filling with the input of various springs and is now at 21 percent full
Rogue River - Middle: Middle Rogue River Report
Rogue River- Upper: Artificial fly season is in place through Oct. 31
Tenmile Lakes: The wild coho salmon fishery opened in Tenmile Lake on Oct. 1
Alsea River: Cutthroat trout are abundant and can be found throughout the Alsea basin
Nehalem River: Fall Chinook fishing has improved on Nehalem Bay
Salmon River: Fall Chinook fishing continues to be slow on the Salmon River
Siletz River: Fall Chinook fishing has slowed down on the Siletz
Yaquina River: Fall Chinook fishing and coho fishing has been steady on the Yaquina
Fall Creek Reservoir: Fall Creek Reservoir is currently being drawn down
Foster Reservoir: The drawdown of the reservoir for winter storage capacity has started
Gold Lake: Not accessible at this time
Hills Creek Reservoir: Hills Creek Reservoir was last stocked the week of Oct. 3
Salmon Creek: Salmon Creek Update
Santiam River ( North Fork) : Fishing for Chinook is now closed through Oct.15

Grande Ronde steelhead workshop Join ODFW and its partners for Steelhead Fishing 101 on the Grande Ronde River near Troy on...... Read More