Winter Fishing in Nevada

A shout out goes to Cory Turner for these photos of his first ice fishing trip to Wildhorse Reservoir(Cory Turner and Derrick Smith pictured). It looks like it was a great time!

by Nevada Department of Wildlife

Whether you’re interested in fishing for warmwater species, like bass, in southern Nevada, ice fishing in eastern Nevada, or casting a line in a river in western Nevada, the Silver State has it all when it comes to fishing opportunities!

In this week's Nevada Wild, Ashley Sanchez and Aaron Keller sit down with NDOW Angler Education Coordinators Jan Nemec, Nicole Hamblin, and Abbey Czarnecki. They cover fishing conditions across Nevada, share ice fishing safety tips, and get into the 25 Days of Fishmas spirit by sharing gift ideas for the angler in your life!

Buy your fishing license today at, and check our fishing reports to help you decide where to go for your next fishing trip.