Cooler temperatures allow the trout to spread out throughout Lost Creek
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Lost Creek Res. was stocked with 2,300 trophy rainbow trout in October. The elevation of the reservoir is near the 1,798-foot mark and the surface temperature is 46oF. The Takelma ramp is the only ramp available, however weather conditions may make launching difficult.
Holdover trout in the 15 to 16-inch range are common. Trolling and casting spinners has been very productive in the last few weeks with several boats reporting 2-3 fish per hour.
Cooler temperatures allow the trout to spread out throughout Lost Creek, so anglers should try a variety of locations.
Bank anglers have had good access on either side of the dam recently with PowerBait and spinners
For warmwater anglers, ODFW continues work to restore the largemouth bass fishery.
Anglers can get the latest surface temperatures by calling the US Army Corps Lost Creek Lake and Applegate Reservoir projects information line at 1-800-472-2434.
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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, December 7th, 2022Imnaha River: Steelhead fishing may be good throughout the winter when the weather warms
Wallowa River: Coho salmon have moved into the Wallowa River watershed to spawn
Crooked River: Anglers report fair fishing on the Crooked
Fall River: Fly-anglers continue to report good early winter fishing in the Fall River
Clackamas River: There are still some late returning wild coho in the lower system,
Eagle Creek: Eagle Creek Fishing Report
Henry Hagg Lake: Henry Hagg Fishing Report
Sandy River: Coho continue to trickle through the Sandy
Alsea River: Winter steelhead are starting to show up in the Alsea
Siuslaw River: Winter steelhead typically start to show up in December on the Siuslaw River
Applegate Reservoir: With cool temperatures trout fishing should be decent
Chetco River: More rain is forecasted for this week and river levels are predicted to rise
Illinois River: Trout fishing is open

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