The steelhead fishing on the Umatilla has picked up in the past week
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The steelhead fishing on the Umatilla has picked up in the past week with the influx of water from recent rains with fish being caught from above Hwy 730 bridge all the way to Pendleton. Most anglers are concentrating their efforts near Pendleton, however new fish are being counted at Three Mile Falls Dam (TMFD) in the past week. Most anglers have been finding success with a boober and jig set up, using corkies or a bead set up. Fly anglers are using sinking tips with larger winter marabou or rabbit flies in slower water. Up to date there have been 1412 steelhead counted at TMFD, with 404 being hatchery, 855 being wild and a total of 1261 fish released above the TMFD.
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