Crooked River Report

by The Fly Fishers Place
Well, I got a few half way decent reports from the Crooked up near the dam. Water is low as SH@T, but, fish are eating midges during the afternoon hatch and a tiny thread midge, zebra midge or skinny nelson 1 to 3 feet under a NZ Wool indicator is working pretty good. it’s not going to be a 50 fish day type of deal, but you ought to catch some small to mid-size rainbows now.
It will be interesting to see as we march through the month of March and when we usually see massive hatches of BWO’s by the end of the month, if that’ll happen this year with longer and warmer days ahead and water temps gradually warming too.
Time will tell, but I think the Crooked is worth putting back on the fishing radar.
Water is 50cfs. There will be ZERO chance of a spring run off.
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