River is currently running around 2,800 cfs at the gauge in Mehama
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
No recent fishing reports. River levels best for fishing are at or below 3,000 cfs, and the river is currently running around 2,800 cfs at the gauge in Mehama.
There are very few fish available for harvest this time of year. The spring Chinook and summer steelhead run are the next big opportunities for anglers and will start to show up in late April.
Fishing for hatchery steelhead is open year-round. Trout season below Big Cliff dam closed on Nov. 1. Bait is not allowed from Nov. 1 through April 21. Any unclipped (wild) steelhead or trout that are caught must be released unharmed.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, March 23rd, 2023Grande Ronde River: Anglers have been catching steelhead on the Grande Ronde River
Hat Rock Pond: Hat Rock Pond will be stocked during the week of March 20
McNary Channel Ponds: Kids’ fishing derby is planned on Saturday, March 26
Umatilla River: To date there have been 1,595 steelhead counted at Three Mile Falls Dam
Wallowa Lake : Boat anglers have been out recently and have reported catching both kokanee and lake trout
Wallowa River: Steelhead fishing has been quite good on the Wallowa River
Haystack Reservoir: The reservoir is currently 63 percent full
Prinevile Reservoir: Prineville Reservoir is slowly filling but still very low at 15 percent full
Rock Creek Reservoir: Rock Creek Reservoir is scheduled to be stocked this week
Blue River Reservoir: The reservoir level is extremely low
Fall Creek Reservoir: Has not been stocked due to extremely low reservoir levels
Foster Reservoir: The reservoir is slowly being refilled for the summer and has come up a few feet over the last week or so

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