Currently the reservoir is slowly filling and Mongold boat ramp is available

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

The reservoir is stocked regularly in the spring and summer with tens of thousands of one-pound hatchery trout.  Currently the reservoir is slowly filling and Mongold boat ramp is available to launch boats. Anglers can also bank fish from access points such as Mongold State Park or Detroit Flats Day Use area.

In general, water levels are kept low this time of year to provide flood storage capacity. It’s always a good idea to check the water levels at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website before using the boat ramps. For the latest information on water levels at Detroit Reservoir check with the Army Corps of Engineers’ website for more information.  

Detroit Reservoir is one of the premier kokanee fisheries in the state. Kokanee fishing for the next generation usually heats up in March or April and continues through the summer. 

Check out these tips for kokanee fishing

Trout fishing can be good all year. Pretty much all techniques will catch fish, but it might take some experimenting to find out what is most effective on the day you’re out there. Trout stocking will begin in mid-May. 

As a reminder to anglers, fishing for and harvesting Chinook in the lake and the rivers above is prohibited. Any Chinook caught in Detroit must be released unharmed. 

Anglers are encouraged to report their catch on an on-line form. Remember to indicate whether the fish you catch have their adipose fin or not. This information will allow ODFW to manage the fishery for the benefit of both recreational anglers and the resource.

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