Jiggs Reservoir has been stocked with 1,750 bluegill

Photo Credit: NDOW
by Nevada Department of Wildlife
Who's ready to catch some bluegill in eastern Nevada?! Jiggs Reservoir has been stocked with 1,750 bluegill, just in time for the Fourth of July holiday!
On June 26th the NDOW Fisheries Division transplanted the fish from a privately owned pond in Humboldt County and stocked them into Jiggs Reservoir. The fish range in size from 3 to 8 inches, with most being in the 3-to-5-inch range. Fish that are able to overwinter will have the opportunity to spawn in the spring of 2024 and produce tens of thousands of offspring to fully establish a bluegill population in the reservoir!
For all fishing and stocking reports visit our website: https://www.ndow.org/.../fishing/fishing-stocking-reports/
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