The Trask gets a hatchery coho run, but it's still early

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

The Trask River 200 feet above and below Gold Creek at Trask Hatchery (which includes the hatchery hole) is closed to angling July 16 to Oct. 15.‌

The Dam hole (MP 7 on Trask River Rd up to Blue Ridge Creek) is closed to fishing Sept. 1 to Nov. 30. ‌

The Trask River opened for fall Chinook on Aug. 1, and there are some fish showing up in tidewater, but it will take a good amount of rain to push fish into the river. ‌

Due to a below average forecast the bag limits for wild Chinook salmon have been reduced. See the Regulations update section above for details. ‌

Cutthroat trout are throughout the Trask River. Resting pool counts this season found adult sea-run numbers well above the long-term average and fish dispersed throughout the basin; so there is plenty of opportunity available.

The Trask gets a hatchery coho run, but it's still early and numbers will be very low in the river until later in month, and will probably take some rain to get fish moving.