Winds Keep Folks By The Bay

Snapper and cabrilla are typical inshore species and highly valued in the markets and restaurants!

by Jonathan Roldan
(626) 638-3383

La Paz – Las Arenas/ Muertos Bay/ Suenos Bay Fishing Report for Jan. 17-27, 2025


WEATHER:  Mostly sunny, but cool. Daytime temps high 70’s dropping to low to mid 50’s at night. Bring a sweatshirt or light windbreaker!  High winds this past week with gusts 20-30 mph.

WATER; Cooler and has been mostly rough because of the winds, but there are some gaps here and there.

FISH HOOKED THIS WEEK;  Cabrilla,pargo, sierra, bonito, amberjack, jack crevalle



I will admit that this report is later than usual.

Several reasons for that.

First, we’ve been on the road now for two weeks exhibiting. It’s our Tailhunter 2025 Road Tour. Been doing it for over 30 years when we head out during the winter months and take our Tailhunter Booth to hunting and fishing expos all over the US

Last week we were in Reno NV at the Wild Sheep Convention for 3 days on the showroom floor then flew out to Nashville where we are wrapping things up at the Safari Club International Convention that lasted 4 days in the booth.

Long fun days and talking and meeting old friends and new friends. 8-10 hours in the booth standing and talking and socializing and Jill and I are outta gas by the time we get out and head to our hotel room. We always talk about where we are going to have a great dinner and get so many wonderful invitations from friends to go out, but ultimately it’s an UBER EATS delivery and catch up on work until we pass out asleep and go again the next day.

In past years, we would do 10-14 shows a season and some of those shows would be 5 days long and we would be in the booth for 12 hours each day. I don’t think we could keep that kind of regimen after 30 years!

Now we’re packing up the booth and gear and materials and flying to Salt Lake City for the Western Hunting and Conservation Expo at the Salt Palace Feb. 13-16. See more info below.

The 2nd reason for not posting up a fishing report sooner is that I was waiting for something to happen so there would be some “meat” in my report. I really do try to give you the same blah-blah-blah. But in the winter when no one is really fishing, that gets to be problematic!

Frankly, it’s been so windy that we haven’t had anyone out in weeks. This is off-season for just that reason. The northwinds sweep down the Sea of ​​Cortez and the weather can be erratic and the oceans consequently very rough. Not much of anyone on the water except windsurfers and kiteboarders who eat specifically for these world-class winds.

I’ve had a couple of requests for fishing, but ultimately had to cancel them or advise them not to fish on that particular day because of the winds. I would just prefer to be honest. No sense in having a bad time…getting wet…getting bounced…or getting seasick!

That’s especially important because folks that come down this time of year aren’t hard-core fishermen.

Fishing reports from our commercial fishermen friends who don’t have a choice about whether to go out or not since they have to feed their families tell me it was rough going. Fishing was confined to staying close to shore out’ve the rougher areas.

However, inshore fishing was moderately productive with the usual cast of fishing species like jacks, cabrilla, snapper, sierra, snapper and bonito. I didn’t hear of any yellowtail or dorado. Bait was also more difficult to get since the bait areas were getting pounded by waves.

Temperatures have been ranged. As high as the high 70’s, but dropping into the cooler low 50’s at night. More winds predicted.

The key to this is if we have storms up north in the US then chances are it will have an effect on the weather in Baja. It’s that time of year!

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