Fwd: Chinook Salmon State Fish Candidate

by Steve Carson

Assemblymember Jared Huffman Introduces Legislation to Restore Chinook Salmon Populations to Sustainable Levels and Declare Chinook Salmon California's State Anadromous Fish

Sacramento, CA - California's native Chinook salmon have for centuries been an integral part of California's natural environment, supporting tribal, commercial and recreational fisheries, and serving as an economic, cultural and ecologically vital resource for the people of the state. Today, California's Chinook salmon runs are threatened with extinction, as the numbers of fish returning to spawn have dropped to record lows, prompting the unprecedented closure of the salmon season for the last two years. The economic impact of the closure is estimated at over $2 billion, with as many as 23,000 jobs lost. This year the numbers of returning fish are again extremely low, making it likely the season will be closed for the third year in a row.

In recognition of the unique values of this iconic species, Assemblymember Jared Huffman has introduced AB 2063 which establishes three important state policies for Chinook salmon.

 ? Declares the Chinook salmon as the official state anadromous fish.

 ? Establishes a state goal to restore Chinook salmon to sustainable levels within a decade.

 ? Calls upon the state Department of Fish and Game to work collaboratively with other public and private partners to implement the goal of restoring Chinook salmon, and to prioritize conservation planning efforts for recovery of Chinook and other salmonid species.

"Given their incredible resilience, their important role in California's history, and the critical values they provide today for both healthy ecosystems and the state's economy, it is fitting that the Chinook salmon be officially recognized as the State anadromous fish," said Assemblymember Huffman. "It is equally important that the state renew its commitment to recovery of Chinook salmon to levels sufficient to once again support viable tribal, recreational and commercial fisheries, and to ensure these fish will still be around for our grandchildren to enjoy and appreciate."

"Salmon have been part of California for thousands of years and we're losing them," said Zeke Grader, Executive Director of the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations. "If we wipe our salmon out, we'll also be wiping out generations of fishing families from the central California coast to northern Oregon. We commend Assemblymember Huffman for introducing this legislation which will help renew the state's commitment to recovery of Chinook salmon, and educate the public about the importance of these unique fish."

"To be named as the official State anadromous fish is a well-deserved honor for the Chinook salmon and all those who are mesmerized by its iconic stature," said Dick Pool, Western Regional Director of the American Sportfishing Association. "With its rich history and incredible survival story, I believe all of California will be proud to bestow Chinook salmon with this official state honor. Thanks to Assemblymember Huffman and his co-sponsors for putting this legislation forward."

The bill is coauthored by Assemblymembers Chesbro and Evans, and Senators Leno and Wiggins. "Salmon is the foundation of the North Coast's historic fishing economy," Chesbro said. "Chinook serves as California's cultural icon of sustainability. This bill is vital to preserve this species and is long overdue." Senator Wiggins added, "It is imperative that the Legislature and responsible state agencies do all we can to protect these invaluable fish populations. Salmon form the backbone of California ecosystems, tribal cultures, local economies, and the commercial fishing industry. Salmon are truly a symbol of our rich, abundant state, and we must work together to give these magnificent fish a chance to recover."

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