If I have three fishermen on board, can we have four rods in the water?- (Grant E.)
by Carrie Wilson
The second rod stamp does not apply in ocean waters and there are specific gear restrictions that apply when salmon fishing. No more than one rod per person may be used to take salmon, and no more than one rod per person may be used on any vessel where salmon are aboard (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, sections 28.65[e] and 27.80[a][4]). In addition, once salmon are aboard, you are then restricted to fishing with salmon gear (barbless hooks north of Point Conception) for the remainder of the trip, even if you want to switch your target species (like to rockfish, for example.) If you take your salmon back to the dock to offload, though, you can then go back out to fish for other species and use the appropriate tackle.
Carrie Wilson is a marine environmental scientist with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. While she cannot personally answer everyone’s questions, she will select a few to answer each week in this column. Please contact her at CalOutdoors@wildlife.ca.gov.
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• Is it legal to park and shoot from the roof of your car for varmints? - Harry N.