CDFG News Release - DFG Solicits Proposals
by Marine Management News
(916) 322-8639
The Department of Fish and Game (DFG) Fisheries Restoration Grant Program 2010 Migration Public Solicitation Notice (Migration PSN) is now available to the public. The Migration PSN specifically solicits proposals for projects that address fish passage issues in anadromous salmonid watersheds.
The Fisheries Restoration Grant Program (FRGP) was established in 1981 in response to rapidly declining populations of wild salmon and steelhead trout and deteriorating fish habitat in California. This competitive grant program has invested more than $180 million to support projects from sediment reduction to watershed education throughout coastal California. Contributing partners include DFG, federal and local governments, tribes, water districts, fisheries organizations, watershed restoration groups, the California Conservation Corps, AmeriCorps and private landowners.
Restoring anadromous salmon and steelhead habitat is a commitment this program and its partners have embraced. With populations of some salmon at critically low levels, there are many opportunities for restoration projects that will directly benefit the salmon and steelhead trout in California.
This is an open competitive selection process which has evolved over the past 29 years. The FRGP typically receives more proposals than it can fund. Funding for fiscal year 2010-2011 is expected to be approximately $15 million. Proposals will be accepted until June 1, 2010.
More information and documents are available on the Fisheries Restoration Grant Program Web site via the Grant Opportunities link on the main DFG Web page at
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