California Outdoors Questions & Answers
(916) 445-0411
I have a disability in my right eye which prevents me from being able to view through the peep sights on my bow. However, I've learned to use my left eye for shooting my rifle, and have practiced with a crossbow. I would like to be able to hunt during the archery season with my crossbow. How can I legally do this? (Erik, Laytonville)
DFG may issue, free of charge, a disabled archery permit that allows physically disabled persons to use a crossbow during archery-only season in accordance with California Hunting Regulations (CCR Title 14, Section 354). However, and unfortunately for you, the regulation subsection (354(k)) specifically states that the disabled archer permit may be issued to any person with a physical disability that impairs one or both upper extremities (arms) which prevents him/her from being able to draw and hold a bow in a firing position. Since your disability is to your eye and does not prevent you from drawing and holding your bow, you do not qualify for a disabled archer permit.
I have a disability in my right eye which prevents me from being able to view through the peep sights on my bow. However, I've learned to use my left eye for shooting my rifle, and have practiced with a crossbow. I would like to be able to hunt during the archery season with my crossbow. How can I legally do this? (Erik, Laytonville)
DFG may issue, free of charge, a disabled archery permit that allows physically disabled persons to use a crossbow during archery-only season in accordance with California Hunting Regulations (CCR Title 14, Section 354). However, and unfortunately for you, the regulation subsection (354(k)) specifically states that the disabled archer permit may be issued to any person with a physical disability that impairs one or both upper extremities (arms) which prevents him/her from being able to draw and hold a bow in a firing position. Since your disability is to your eye and does not prevent you from drawing and holding your bow, you do not qualify for a disabled archer permit.
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