Little Truckee River is fun right now

by Staff

Flows are 264cfs. The road is open all the way to the top parking lot. Fishing this time of year here is a lot of fun because the fish don't have their PhD's in flies yet!! Look for small stoneflies, baetis and small midge patterns work well this time of year. As well as streamer fishing to be great at these flows!

Nymphs- rainbow warriors in black and red sizes 18-20, wd-40's grey and olive 18-22, barrs emergers 18-20, Wier's sprinkle's 18-20.

Dries- try blue duns 18-20, para adams 18-22, black cripples.

Streamers- Olive and Tan cone-head sculpins, olive and white buggers, natural and pearl zonkers.

This report is provided by Tahoe Fly Fishing Outfitters, guides available call (530-541-8208).