Can I have a dead owl which I find stuffed?
(916) 445-0411
I found a dead great horned owl while on a walk with my dad last night. Id like to get it stuffed but heard it might be illegal to do this. What are the rules when it comes to possessing an owl body? (Morgan)
Answer: You are correct that this owl, or any part of it, is illegal to possess. These birds are protected under the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Fish and Game Code, sections 3503.5 and 3800. The only way to legally possess the owl and/or to get this animal stuffed is if you can qualify for a California scientific collection permit, which means the animal must be used for education or scientific research. Otherwise, you must leave it where you found it.
I found a dead great horned owl while on a walk with my dad last night. Id like to get it stuffed but heard it might be illegal to do this. What are the rules when it comes to possessing an owl body? (Morgan)
Answer: You are correct that this owl, or any part of it, is illegal to possess. These birds are protected under the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Fish and Game Code, sections 3503.5 and 3800. The only way to legally possess the owl and/or to get this animal stuffed is if you can qualify for a California scientific collection permit, which means the animal must be used for education or scientific research. Otherwise, you must leave it where you found it.
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