by Don Padick
(805) 844-5566

The "Memorial Day Weekend Blow of 2011" wasn't enough the keep SFR and the Aloha Spirit tied to the docks this past Memorial Day Monday. Captain Shawn Stewart motored the Aloha Spirit away from the Channel Islands Sportfishing Center docks in Oxnard with an eager group of anglers determined to put some fish in the sacks. The brutal wind that had blowout Saturday and Sunday had slacked up but the seas were still up, making for a bumpy ride across the channel. Once across the channel we were rewarded with sunny skis, warm temperatures and calm seas. Truly an awesome day to be on the water remembering all those who have sacrificed so much to allow us the freedoms we enjoy. Great day of fishing as well, with limits of nice rockfish for all anglers aboard. Reds, sugars,and some monster sculpin made up most of the catch with few legal lings and a cabezon to fill out the sacks. It is always a pleasure to fish on the Aloha Spirit with Captain Stewart, Jerry, and Cory and their professionalism and dedication always represent the best the sportfishing industry has to offer. Keep up the good work guys !!! Check their website at, or call Channel Islands Sportfishing Center at 1-805-382-1612 to arrange a charter or sign up for their next open party trip

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