Mirage SFR Charter at Santa Rosa

by Homan Khaki
(805) 983-0975

Our SFR Charter aboard the Mirage was fantastic! We had some really nice weather and a great group of anglers as we fished Santa Rosa. Immediately after leaving the dock we raffled off some special prizes from our sponsors Owner Hooks, Seaguar, and Keep'n It Reel. We spent the morning chasing White Seabass, however none of the elusive grey ghosts cooperated for us. We landed a nice flatty with plenty of Baracuda in the mix. We focused the rest of our trip loading up on some huge reds, chucks, and lings. Ever seen a bird riding a fish? Look for the pictures in this report. Only on the Mirage! Chef Andrew hooked up the hungry anglers with the famous Kona Burger and a great time was had by all. The fishing is still outstanding so don't miss out. Call Channel Islands Sportfishing at 805-382-1612 to make a reservation. Special thanks to the Crew of the Mirage for another great day on the water!

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