Can you use "glitter" in the water to attract fish while spearfishing
(916) 445-0411
I have been studying up on different methods of spear fishing while free diving and have read about the use of "glitter" as an attractant for bait fish. I have an idea to sprinkle glitter in the water so that when the bait fish come to investigate, the large game fish will follow and be caught as they attack the bait fish!
What are your views and the legal ramifications of this method? I understand chumming is not legal for taking game animals in our state, but the use of artificial lures is. With my idea the game fish would not be chummed by this method but instead just attracted by the collection of bait fish. If this method actually works, would it be legal? So, would chumming bait fish to attract large predatory game fish be legal?
While you may have an innovative idea there, unfortunately even if your plan to lure unsuspecting bait and then game fish to you by sprinkling shiny, sparkling glitter in the water were to work, you could be cited for doing so. Placing glitter in the water is littering and is prohibited under Fish and Game Code, Section 5652.
And regarding chumming, according to DFG Game Warden Michele Budish, chumming is defined as, "Placing any material in the water, other than on a hook while angling, for the purpose of attracting fish to a particular area in order that they may be taken" (California Code of Regulations Title 14, Section 1.32). Chumming in the ocean is allowed, but chumming in freshwater is allowed only in specific areas and for certain fish species (see California Code of Regulations Title 14, sections 2.30 and 2.40).
I have been studying up on different methods of spear fishing while free diving and have read about the use of "glitter" as an attractant for bait fish. I have an idea to sprinkle glitter in the water so that when the bait fish come to investigate, the large game fish will follow and be caught as they attack the bait fish!
What are your views and the legal ramifications of this method? I understand chumming is not legal for taking game animals in our state, but the use of artificial lures is. With my idea the game fish would not be chummed by this method but instead just attracted by the collection of bait fish. If this method actually works, would it be legal? So, would chumming bait fish to attract large predatory game fish be legal?
While you may have an innovative idea there, unfortunately even if your plan to lure unsuspecting bait and then game fish to you by sprinkling shiny, sparkling glitter in the water were to work, you could be cited for doing so. Placing glitter in the water is littering and is prohibited under Fish and Game Code, Section 5652.
And regarding chumming, according to DFG Game Warden Michele Budish, chumming is defined as, "Placing any material in the water, other than on a hook while angling, for the purpose of attracting fish to a particular area in order that they may be taken" (California Code of Regulations Title 14, Section 1.32). Chumming in the ocean is allowed, but chumming in freshwater is allowed only in specific areas and for certain fish species (see California Code of Regulations Title 14, sections 2.30 and 2.40).
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