Update on Kevin Brock's Trips on the Klamath

by SportfishingReport.com Staff
The last week's fishing has been entirely on the Klamath River, and fishing there has been excellent, with almost-daily limits of chrome-bright hard-fighting salmon fresh out of the ocean. These salmon are fast!
Kevin Brock has had a great streak of salmon limits going for 33 days in a row, but on 9-21-11, the fish were on the hook in the morning but were getting off, then the wind came up in the afternoon and shut the bite down. The opportunities were there, but just not landed. It just goes to prove that when the fishing is good is the time time to get fish in the boat!
On most days, full limits were in the boat before noon. The sizes were nice too, with a 20.3 lb salmon on 9-19-11, and some in the 18 lb range on 9-20-11. As reported was previously reported:
"This morning we were blessed with good weather," reports guide Kevin Brock, "and big fish right off the bat on our first 4 passes." The largest fish of the day was a male, being a close call to a hen at a whopping 18.2 lbs. "Two anglers brought in a double," said Kevin, "each not even realizing they had a fish on! One thought it was bottom, and the other started reeling in, then realized there was a fish on the the line. Before we knew it, we had 4 fish in the boat in the first half hour. Our last fish made us work hard for him, but we reeled him in by 11:13am to end a very successful fishing trip."
Kevin Brock has had a great streak of salmon limits going for 33 days in a row, but on 9-21-11, the fish were on the hook in the morning but were getting off, then the wind came up in the afternoon and shut the bite down. The opportunities were there, but just not landed. It just goes to prove that when the fishing is good is the time time to get fish in the boat!
On most days, full limits were in the boat before noon. The sizes were nice too, with a 20.3 lb salmon on 9-19-11, and some in the 18 lb range on 9-20-11. As reported was previously reported:
"This morning we were blessed with good weather," reports guide Kevin Brock, "and big fish right off the bat on our first 4 passes." The largest fish of the day was a male, being a close call to a hen at a whopping 18.2 lbs. "Two anglers brought in a double," said Kevin, "each not even realizing they had a fish on! One thought it was bottom, and the other started reeling in, then realized there was a fish on the the line. Before we knew it, we had 4 fish in the boat in the first half hour. Our last fish made us work hard for him, but we reeled him in by 11:13am to end a very successful fishing trip."
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