The Salmon are big on the Lower Sac

by Staff

On Thursday 9-29, Kevin Brock was back in the Chico area, fishing on the Sacramento River. The bite was very good, with limits for 4 anglers by 10:30am.

There were some good-sized salmon landed, as the largest salmon for the day weighed 33.6 lbs, and there were 3 fish over 20 lbs. The salmon fillets are a good reddish-orange color, great for eating or smoking.

To add variety to the day, a 5'+ sturgeon was brought to the boat and released, on 10 lb P-Line! The wildlife was active as well, with a deer getting within 10 feet of the boat, and 2 large red-tailed hawks on the bank. The salmon were rolling and splashing, and other boats were catching salmon as well.

More Reports

Here it is, the last day of September 2011, and the anglers on Kevin Brock's boat finished the month off...... Read More Reports
for Tuesday, September 27th, 2011
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