The Feather River Salmon bite is good right now

by Staff
On Friday 10-7-11, Kevin Brock made it back to the Feather River from the Klamath River, and didn't miss a beat.
After a very successful season so far on the Sacramento and Klamath Rivers, the Feather River did not disappoint, with full limits for 3 anglers by 8am. The largest salmon of the day was around 18 lbs.
There were a number of other boats on the water as well, fishing above, below, and all around Kevin's boat, but with limited success. However, on Kevin's boat, the fish were coming over the rail with regularity, with 2 early biters aboard by 7am, and limits (6) aboard by 8am. The fishermen did well, as only one was lost.
The water flows are ideal on the Feather River right now, with just the right amount of cool, clean water flowing downstream from the outlet, bringing up the fresh salmon. Don't forget that the real-time river flow graphs (cfs over time) from the government water department are available on the Sacramento River, Feather River, and Smith River trip pages (as well as the comprehensive river water levels page) on Kevin Brock Water Levels.
It looks like it will be a solid season on the Feather River. It's a quick drive from the north state and Sacramento areas, so if you are thinking of going salmon fishing, this is a great time to do it.
After a very successful season so far on the Sacramento and Klamath Rivers, the Feather River did not disappoint, with full limits for 3 anglers by 8am. The largest salmon of the day was around 18 lbs.
There were a number of other boats on the water as well, fishing above, below, and all around Kevin's boat, but with limited success. However, on Kevin's boat, the fish were coming over the rail with regularity, with 2 early biters aboard by 7am, and limits (6) aboard by 8am. The fishermen did well, as only one was lost.
The water flows are ideal on the Feather River right now, with just the right amount of cool, clean water flowing downstream from the outlet, bringing up the fresh salmon. Don't forget that the real-time river flow graphs (cfs over time) from the government water department are available on the Sacramento River, Feather River, and Smith River trip pages (as well as the comprehensive river water levels page) on Kevin Brock Water Levels.
It looks like it will be a solid season on the Feather River. It's a quick drive from the north state and Sacramento areas, so if you are thinking of going salmon fishing, this is a great time to do it.
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