Can you catch a fish with a remote controlled helicopter?
(916) 445-0411
Question: I saw a man fishing with a remote-controlled helicopter and he caught a fish with it. Is this legal or not?
Answer: It is legal as long as the remote-controlled vehicle is used only to move an angler's line around while the angler maintains control of the line attached to the terminal tackle.
Answer: It is legal as long as the remote-controlled vehicle is used only to move an angler's line around while the angler maintains control of the line attached to the terminal tackle.
More Reports

Question: I live on the California/Oregon border as a resident of California. I have both California and Oregon fishing licenses....... Read More
California Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Monday, October 31st, 2011
• Abalone with a Broken Shell
• Why do boats "For Hire" ban bring beer aboard?
• Is it legal to use noise suppressors (silencers) on rifles and handguns?
• Lead Shot Possession
• Anglers Asked to Step Up Efforts to Conserve California Sturgeon