Striper regulation meeting seeks public comment

by Steve Carson

Concerned citizens who want to make sure their voice is heard in the continuing saga of the "War on Stripers" will have another opportunity to comment on the controversial proposals put forward by the Department of Fish and Game as a result of pressure from a lawsuit that partially blames the non-native stripers for the decline in salmon populations.

The basic proposed changes would raise the daily bag limit for striped bass from two to six, and raise the possession limit from two to 12 fish. The minimum size would be lowered from 18 inches to 12 inches. It would also create a "hot spot" near the Clifton Forebay at the Delta that would have a daily bag limit of 20 fish with no minimum size requirement.

Originally the proposal was to be discussed next month at the Fish and Game Commission meeting in San Diego. To allow more public discussion, the proposals will now be heard during the commission's February meeting in Sacramento.

If the commissioners choose to pursue the proposal, it begins a process that includes at least three public hearings. A final decision is not expected until later in 2012.