Use of Multiple Rods to catch Striped Bass and Halibut from shore
(916) 445-0411
Question: I know that you can use as many rods and hooks as you want outside the Golden Gate, but can I use multiple rods to catch striped bass and halibut from the shore? I already know that only one rod can be used for salmon, rockfish and lingcod. I have heard that once I have a striped bass or a halibut in possession, then only one rod can be used.
Answer: If you are outside of the San Francisco Bay and fishing from shore for halibut and striped bass, you can use as many rods and hooks as you want. However, if you catch a species like salmon or rockfish, you will have to release it as only one line may be used to take these species (California Code of Regulations Title 14, Section 28.65).
Answer: If you are outside of the San Francisco Bay and fishing from shore for halibut and striped bass, you can use as many rods and hooks as you want. However, if you catch a species like salmon or rockfish, you will have to release it as only one line may be used to take these species (California Code of Regulations Title 14, Section 28.65).
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California Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, December 1st, 2011
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Fish and Game Code Section 8276.2(c) provides the Director with the authority to delay the December 1 opening, due to...... Read More