Use of dead Rainbow or Brown Trout as bait when Ocean Fishing
(916) 445-0411
Question: Is it legal to use dead rainbow trout or wild non-native brown trout as bait when fishing in the ocean? My buddies want to make sure they are not breaking any laws when shark fishing in Humboldt Bay starts to pick up this month.
Answer: It is legal as long as each angler never possesses more than the legal limit/possession limit for trout in that area (regardless of whether the fish are brought in from elsewhere). As long as the fish were taken legally, they can be used for bait in the ocean waters of the state.
Answer: It is legal as long as each angler never possesses more than the legal limit/possession limit for trout in that area (regardless of whether the fish are brought in from elsewhere). As long as the fish were taken legally, they can be used for bait in the ocean waters of the state.
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