Giving Up Salmon Heads
(916) 445-0411
I was wondering if it's mandatory to have to give up my salmon heads when the volunteer fish checkers come around to measure my fish? I thought it was my choice.
Yes, its mandatory. The surveyors at the dock collecting heads are not volunteers but are paid, trained and educated biologists, and anglers in possession of a salmon with a clipped adipose fin are required to relinquish the head to these Department of Fish and Game (DFG) employees (Fish and Game Code, Section 8226).
Section 8226 reads: "(a) ... any person in possession of a salmon with a missing adipose fin, the small, fleshy fin on the back of the fish between the back fin and the tail, upon request by an authorized agent or employee of the department, shall immediately relinquish the head of the salmon to the state, at no charge, for recovery of any coded-wire tag. The head may be removed by the fish owner or, if removed by the official department representative, the head shall be removed in a manner to minimize loss of salmon flesh and the salmon shall immediately be returned to the rightful owner. (b) It is unlawful to intentionally conceal, cull or release into the waters a salmon with a missing adipose fin that it is otherwise legal to possess."
I was wondering if it's mandatory to have to give up my salmon heads when the volunteer fish checkers come around to measure my fish? I thought it was my choice.
Yes, its mandatory. The surveyors at the dock collecting heads are not volunteers but are paid, trained and educated biologists, and anglers in possession of a salmon with a clipped adipose fin are required to relinquish the head to these Department of Fish and Game (DFG) employees (Fish and Game Code, Section 8226).
Section 8226 reads: "(a) ... any person in possession of a salmon with a missing adipose fin, the small, fleshy fin on the back of the fish between the back fin and the tail, upon request by an authorized agent or employee of the department, shall immediately relinquish the head of the salmon to the state, at no charge, for recovery of any coded-wire tag. The head may be removed by the fish owner or, if removed by the official department representative, the head shall be removed in a manner to minimize loss of salmon flesh and the salmon shall immediately be returned to the rightful owner. (b) It is unlawful to intentionally conceal, cull or release into the waters a salmon with a missing adipose fin that it is otherwise legal to possess."
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California Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, May 9th, 2012
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