Hunting Contests
(916) 445-0411
Question: My company, Sportsman's Warehouse, would like to have a contest called Bucks and Bulls in one of our California locations. The contest would be open to all legally harvested deer and elk taken in California in 2012 and broken into various categories such as youth, women, archery, etc. Awards would be given to the largest buck and bull in each category. Is this sort of contest legal in California and can you point me in the right direction to research the laws and regulations?
Answer: It is generally illegal to offer a prize for taking game, but there is an exception in Fish and Game Code Section 2003(d) allowing for contests where the total value of all prizes is less than $500.
Answer: It is generally illegal to offer a prize for taking game, but there is an exception in Fish and Game Code Section 2003(d) allowing for contests where the total value of all prizes is less than $500.
More Reports
California Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, June 7th, 2012
• DFG Cites Poacher for Harvesting Giant (Black) Sea Bass
• North Coast Marine Protected Areas Adopted in Final Coastal Ocean Region
• Passenger & Crew Limits while fishing aboard a commercial "Open Party" Boat
• The rule for persons under the age of 16 who do not require a fishing license
• Trail Stands and tree cameras on BLM & National Forest land while deer hunting

Wildlife Conservation Board Funds Environmental Improvement and Acquisition Projects At its May 31 quarterly meeting, the Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB)...... Read More