Part of North Fork Nooksack River will close to fishing

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Action: Part of the North Fork Nooksack River will be closed to fishing.
Effective Dates: Jan. 17 through Jan. 31, 2013
Species Affected: All species
Location: The North Fork Nooksack River from the yellow post located at the upstream-most corner of the hatchery grounds, approximately 1,000 feet upstream of the mouth of Kendall Creek, downstream to the Mosquito Lake Road Bridge.
Reasons for Action: The Kendall Hatchery has been unable to collect enough returning hatchery winter steelhead broodstock to meet egg-take needs. Closure of the fishery is needed to collect sufficient fish to meet egg-take needs.
Other Information: On Feb. 1 the fishery will re-open to fishing as listed in the 2012-13 Fishing in Washington sport fishing pamphlet.
Information Contact: Brett Barkdull, 360-466-4345 ext. 270,
Effective Dates: Jan. 17 through Jan. 31, 2013
Species Affected: All species
Location: The North Fork Nooksack River from the yellow post located at the upstream-most corner of the hatchery grounds, approximately 1,000 feet upstream of the mouth of Kendall Creek, downstream to the Mosquito Lake Road Bridge.
Reasons for Action: The Kendall Hatchery has been unable to collect enough returning hatchery winter steelhead broodstock to meet egg-take needs. Closure of the fishery is needed to collect sufficient fish to meet egg-take needs.
Other Information: On Feb. 1 the fishery will re-open to fishing as listed in the 2012-13 Fishing in Washington sport fishing pamphlet.
Information Contact: Brett Barkdull, 360-466-4345 ext. 270,
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