Buying Sturgeon Report Cards & Tags

(916) 445-0411
Question: Why am I required to buy a sturgeon fishing report card and tags in order to go sturgeon fishing? What will the collected money be used for? Will the money be directed to a dedicated fund account?
Answer: The sturgeon fishing report cards with tags were created to help with enforcement of the sturgeon bag limit, a key conservation measure. In addition, data from the report cards is a valuable complement to ongoing sturgeon research. The monies received from the sturgeon report card will be used to fund increased data analysis of the sturgeon populations (white and green) and enforcement of the regulations related to the sturgeon fishery. Card fees are not going to a dedicated fund because a dedicated fund can only be created by the Legislature.
Answer: The sturgeon fishing report cards with tags were created to help with enforcement of the sturgeon bag limit, a key conservation measure. In addition, data from the report cards is a valuable complement to ongoing sturgeon research. The monies received from the sturgeon report card will be used to fund increased data analysis of the sturgeon populations (white and green) and enforcement of the regulations related to the sturgeon fishery. Card fees are not going to a dedicated fund because a dedicated fund can only be created by the Legislature.
More Reports
California Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Friday, February 1st, 2013
• How many hooks can you use when fishing for Sturgeon?
• Can you keep a legal-sized Sturgeon if it is caught with a barbed hook?
• After an legal Sturgeon is caught, most all other anglers in the boat switch to barbless hooks?
• Selling Sand gathered from the beach
• Catching a Lobster with a noose
• Fishing for Crab with a crab snare
• Using 2 rods when fishing with barbless hooks

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