Raising Turkeys from eggs
(916) 445-0411
Question: If I want to raise a couple of turkeys from eggs that I believe came from partly or mostly wild stock, would I run afoul of California law? They would not be used for any business purposes and would remain on my property. I would prefer to let them roam around my place, which is quite large and full of native habitat, as opposed to keeping them penned up. There are currently no wild turkeys in my area.
Answer: You cannot take eggs from the wild to raise. Nesting birds are given protection from "harassment" while sitting on and incubating their eggs. In order to release wild or partly wild turkeys onto your property, you may need to become a licensed game bird farm or legally acquire eggs from a licensed domesticated game breeder.
Answer: You cannot take eggs from the wild to raise. Nesting birds are given protection from "harassment" while sitting on and incubating their eggs. In order to release wild or partly wild turkeys onto your property, you may need to become a licensed game bird farm or legally acquire eggs from a licensed domesticated game breeder.
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California Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, April 11th, 2013
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