Rod Limit while fishing for Salmon in Monterey
by California Department of Fish & Wildlife
Question: There is a one rod per angler rule in Monterey Bay when salmon fishing. This last weekend while trolling with my husband for salmon, we had three fish on board and needed one more for the two of us to have limits. My question is, do we need to fish with just one rod as one of us has a limit, or may we fish with two rods until we catch one more fish?
Answer: You can use two rods until you catch your final fish because boat limits apply in ocean waters. When there are two or more persons who are licensed or otherwise authorized to sport fish in ocean waters, fishing by all authorized persons aboard may continue until boat limits of finfish are taken and possessed aboard the vessel (California Code of Regulations Title 14, Section 27.60(c)).
Answer: You can use two rods until you catch your final fish because boat limits apply in ocean waters. When there are two or more persons who are licensed or otherwise authorized to sport fish in ocean waters, fishing by all authorized persons aboard may continue until boat limits of finfish are taken and possessed aboard the vessel (California Code of Regulations Title 14, Section 27.60(c)).
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California Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, June 6th, 2013
• Crab Fishing Regulations
• Collecting rattlesnaks in the wild a having them as pets
• Rabbit hunting possession limits