Catching & keeping Turtles

by California Department of Fish & Wildlife

Question: I've been seeing turtles at this lake we like to fish, and there's a good chance I could catch one. What are the regulations regarding catching turtles? Can I bring it home as a pet or to eat?

Answer: Before attempting to catch one of these turtles, it will be important for you to positively identify what species of turtle it is. Be aware it is illegal to capture western pond turtles, a native California species, but it is legal to catch and collect non-native turtles (painted, slider and softshell turtles) under authority of a sport fishing license. While there are no bag or possession limits for these non-native turtles, there are restrictions on the methods of take that may be used to catch them (California Code of Regulations Title 14, sections 2.00 and 5.60). The only way to legally collect western pond turtles would be if you held a scientific collecting permit (CCR Title 14, Section 40(a)). These permits are issued only to scientists doing bona fide research, and this does not appear to be the case here.

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