Using a dog as a mthod for catching fish
by California Department of Fish & Wildlife
Question: Some friends of mine recently sent me photos of their yellow lab "hunting" fish in a stream. They claim the dog can track and then bite the fish right out of the water. The dog then brings the fish (while still flopping) back up the beach to his master, where the fish then get cleaned and cooked. Apparently, this practice is legal back East where my friends live, so now I'm wondering about California. Can dogs be used/trained to "hunt" fish here? Since this is clearly a kind of "take," is it legal? If so, what kind of license/tag would one need?
Answer: If you review sections 2.00-2.45 in both the freshwater and ocean sport fishing regulation books, you will find the approved methods of take for harvesting fish, and using a dog is not a listed legal option (California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 14, sections 2.00- 2.45).
Answer: If you review sections 2.00-2.45 in both the freshwater and ocean sport fishing regulation books, you will find the approved methods of take for harvesting fish, and using a dog is not a listed legal option (California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 14, sections 2.00- 2.45).
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