With Lake Mead closed, the Colorado River below Davis Dam is seeing more anglers

by Nevada Department of Wildlife

The boundaries for the Lake Mead National Recreation Area end just below Davis Dam so the fishing opportunities the river offers are available for anglers. Catfish are still biting hard and those throwing out a line have reported bringing in fish in the double digits. Anchovies have been the most versatile bait bringing in the catfish as well as trout. Some of the holdover trout that have been brought in were over three pounds. Out of the Topac marsh, limits are being caught of largemouth bass. Small spinners in light green have been most successful. With the cooler weather coming in, striper action should also pick up.

Southern Nevada's young hunters will have waterfowl hunting to themselves during a youth-only waterfowl season scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 19. ...... Read More