Trout fishing was very good again this past week at the Tingley Beach Central and Youth Ponds

by New Mexico Game & Fish Department
Tingley Beach: Trout fishing was very good again this past week at the Central and Youth Ponds as several anglers caught their limits using salmon eggs, garlic scented Power Bait and Pistol Petes. We had no reports on other species. Alejandro Castillo had a great time here Saturday with sons Alejandro Jr., age 7, and Eladio, age 9. They all caught limits of rainbow trout. Trout fishing at the Catch and Release Pond was fair to good using streamers, leeches and egg patterns.
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New Mexico Game & Fish Department Reports
for Tuesday, November 19th, 2013Chama River: Fishing Charma River below El Vado & Abiquiu was fair, both 'bows & Browns are being reported
San Juan River : Fishing on the San Juan is good with a variety of different flies working