Shasta County road trip

by Mike Mogler
My wife Dru and I made the loop from Redding up Hwy 5 to Mt. Shasta City. Mt Shasta was as white as can be with copious amounts of snow. A stop at Bartles on Hwy 89 for lunch then a stop at Baum Lake. The fishing was slow according to one lucky angler fishing Powerhouse One.
We then drove through Hat Creek, Old Station, and ended up at Manzanita Lake. The lake was frozen but the ice seemed to be thin. Of course, Hwy 89 through the park is now closed as it is in most years. Not much snow around the north visitors center, but ice was prevalent and very hard to walk on.
Next stop Lake McCumber which, as you can tell from my short video, is filled to capacity. Nice to see after several years of limited water supplies to our lakes, rivers and streams in California.
Happy Holidays, be safe and have fun.
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My Outdoor Buddy (Nor Cal) Reports
for Friday, December 16th, 2016
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