Introduction to Fishing 101
by Gary Heffley
Being at the ISE show in Sacramento, I am once again frequently being asked how a person or family can get started fishing. Questions coming from many people new to the state are coming to the realization that enjoying fishing in the outdoors is a great family activity. Many of the questions range from basic tackle set-ups to basic techniques for catching either bass or trout. Let me lay out some general recommendations that will help the novice get started. Fishing is indeed a great sport for the entire family and one that many generations can participate in together. The biggest and best advice I can give about getting started is to visit a sporting goods or outdoor store and ask questions. Knowledgeable staff can help you make the right choices and are more than happy to help get you started. Don't be intimidated by the vast amount of options on the sales floor, getting started is simple, and can be very economical.
Let's start with the main basic components; rod, reel and line. For those over the age of 10 or 11, I recommend a basic “spinning” outfit. Matching a six and a half foot or seven foot, medium action spinning rod with a spinning reel spooled with 6 to 8 lb. monofilament line will allow the novice angler to fish for trout or bass in most streams, lakes and ponds. For those new anglers under 10 years of age, a size-appropriate spin cast outfit is perfect for beginners. As with both the spin cast and spinning outfits, many retailers offer combo sets that are already balanced and are ready to use with appropriate line on the reels.
‘Terminal tackle’ is a term used to describe the next part of the equation - the selection of weights, swivels and hooks used to tie onto the end of the line so that when bait is added you are ready to fish. For the novice, let's talk about three terminal setups that will work most anywhere.
Setup number one that will catch bass, trout and sunfish in any lake, pond or still stream, is a bobber float with the bait suspended below. The terminal tackle needed are size 6-10 hooks, split shot, snap swivels and the bobber. The basic rule of thumb is the size hook and bobber used will be determined by the bait being suspended on the hook. A live minnow bait will need a bigger hook and bobber than a worm or salmon egg.
To use the setup, tie the snap swivel to the end of your line and attach a pre-tied hook with leader to the safety snap of the swivel. Squeeze a split shot onto the line about six inches above the snap swivel and place the bobber onto the line at the depth you fish to fish below the surface. Start with 3 feet above the bait, going higher or lower as conditions or the bite dictates. When the bobber starts dancing and goes below the surface, slowly reel in any slack line and when you feel resistance set the hook.
Setup number two is for the use of Powerbait or other floating baits like marshmallows. Yes, you can use small marshmallows right out of the pantry for trout bait. Powerbait and other dough type baits float and many new anglers make the mistake and try to fish these baits under a bobber. Many times the baits end up floating on the surface right next to the bobber out of the strike zone. The ‘strike zone’ is a term used to describe the area of the water column where the bait is expected to get bit by fish. Powerbait is designed to float just off the bottom where many trout often cruise, so certain terminal tackle must be used to keep it there.
For the Powerbait set up, a pre-tied small treble hook with a long leader 24 to 36 inches, egg sinker weight and barrel or snap swivel, is needed. First, slip the egg sinker onto the line before tying either style of swivel to the end. Then tie the leader and hook to the end. Mold the bait onto the small treble hook and cast out allowing the weight and bait to settle on the bottom. The egg sinker design allows the line to slide freely, with the swivel acting as a stop. With the bait floating off the bottom, the trout are allowed to pick up the bait without feeling any resistance in the line. When you notice the line moving or the rod tip bouncing up and down, set the hook and reel in the fish.
The third setup is great for catfish and fishing off docks. The terminal tackle involves a pre-tied “pier leader”, snap swivel, hooks and dipsey sinkers. The pre-tied pier leaders are not really needed but make it easier for the novice to use. This setup is designed to suspend bait off the bottom by placing the weight below the baits on the bottom. To use, tie the swivel to the end of the line attaching the leader below with the weight tied to the bottom. Attach the hooks to the pre-tied loops on the leader and bait with night crawlers, or if catfishing, baits like clams or chicken livers work well. Cast off and let the weight settle to bottom. Keep a relative taut line and watch for the tell-tell bouncing of rod tip indicating a bite. When this happens, set the hook and reel in the fish.
So, now you know how to setup to catch the fish, and how to tell if you are getting a bite, but do you really know how to set the hook?
A couple of quick pointers, but as with most things learned, experience will be the best teacher. But don't be disappointed if you miss the first few bites as it happens to the best of us. There are two very common mistakes when first learning to fish, and believe me, this plagues even long time anglers. The first is setting the hook with slack in the line. The best example of the term and effects of slack line is to tie a rope to a chair and then lay the rope in a snake pattern on the floor between you and the chair. Now try to pick up the rope and move the chair, you have to straighten the rope out before the chair will move. Same concept on setting a hook, keeping a minimum of slack line between the rod tip and bait allows you to react better to and get a better direct hook set. The other issue is in the act of raising the rod to set the hook. Do not gently sweep the rod tip up or to the side for that often just pulls the bait away from the fish. When you feel the pressure of the fish at the end of the line, snap the rod tip up quickly, this will drive the hook into the jaw giving a solid hook set. Just know that hook sets are missed no matter how diligent you follow the happens.
Fighting the fish...okay you have 'em hooked but can you reel them in? First thing you should always check before your first cast is the setting on the drag. The drag is the built in braking system on the reel. Too tight a drag and on the first surge of a hooked fish the light will snap and break. Too loose a drag and even the smallest fish will peel line off the reel like a thousand pound blue marlin not to be stopped. As a general rule of thumb, set your drag so that you can easily pull line off the reel but still feel some resistance. If you are fighting a large fish, let the drag work for you and help wear the fish down. Don't try to tighten the drag when fighting most fish just because it is taking drag, because more often than not, the fish will just break off. And don't reel against a fish taking drag as that will cause your line to twist up in the spool and end up as loops in the line.
Never reel the fish all the way to the rod tip, and if you are using a net to land the fish always keep the fish's head in the water. Never lift the head out and lead the fish head first into the net. Many fish are lost trying to land the fish from behind or having the netter stab at the fish hitting the line first and knocking the fish off the hook. And no, it is not okay to throw that person into the water when it happens no matter how big the fish was.
Besides using bait to catch fish, using artificial lures is a great option. This is where a lot of novice anglers get lost or confused as there are hundreds and thousands of artificial options. For the sake of getting started let’s pick out just a couple of lures that will catch both bass and trout effectively. Roostertail and Panther Martin Spinners are effective and can be used to cast and retrieve in both lake and stream settings. White or silver Roostertails look like small bait fish and are personal favorites along with Panther Martin's with yellow body with red dots, or black body with yellow dots. These usually work well in most settings. Silver/Blue Kastmasters which resemble small bait fish, as well as red and white (crawdad colors), and crackle frog pattern Daredevils, are also personal favorites which will attract both bass and trout. Small curly tail grubs on a dart head jig are also very basic, but are effective bass lures to learn and use.
Get a small tackle box, put in these essentials and you can fish most any freshwater in the North State, but you are not quite done. There are a few more basic core items to consider adding to your tackle box: A pair of needle nose pliers are great for putting on split shot and also doubling as a hook remover, a stringer to hold the fish if you elect to keep any for the frying pan, along with a knife to clean the fish, a net to help land the fish, an ice box to keep them cool in, and sunglasses and a hat, along with sunscreen and a few band-aids in case you get a hook stuck in the finger. Also, if fishing from a boat a PFD (lifejacket) is a must.
So let us review the basic necessities to get started:
- Fishing Rod and Reel Combo spooled with 6-8lb test line
- Terminal tackle for floating bait...treble hook with 24 inch leader, snap swivel, egg sinker
- Bobber fishing tackle.....bobber, snap swivel, size 6-10 snelled hooks
- Catfish tackle...snap swivel, pier styled leader, size 4-6 snelled hooks, dipsey weights
- Basic spinner...Roostertail or Panther Martin
- Basic spoon...Kastmaster or Daredevil
- Curly tail grubs and dart head hooks
- Small tackle box, needle nose pliers, stringer, knife, and net.
- Of course, don't forget a fishing license if over 16 years of age (California anglers), and, current fishing regulations.
As noted, this basic gear will allow you to catch most freshwater fish in most lakes, streams or ponds.
The best thing about learning how to fish is that if you have questions, not only will you be able to ask them and get answers at most any fishing tackle store, most fisherman by nature will share basic knowledge with anyone who asks nicely. Just don't try to get any secrets out of them.
Enjoy and tight lines.
Gary Heffley has been a valued contributor to MyOutdoorBuddy for over 10 years serving as manager, sales representative and reporter for much of Northern California. He is an avid outdoorsman and loves to fish and write about his adventures. He has a long history in the Sporting Goods field and uses that extensive experience to impart his wisdom in his writing.
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