Reports From Opener Were Excellent

Photo Credit: Courtesy of NDOW
by Nevada Department of Wildlife
Reports from the opener were all excellent. The lake is currently full and will likely overtake the south end of the lake as the remaining snowmelt enters the lake. Shore fishing will continue to be good until vegetation takes hold with the summer heat. Fly fisherman using callibaetis mayfly emergers, and parachute adams are finding fishing on the surface early in the day. Damsel nymphs and sheep creek specials have been excellent paired with a midge pupa under an indicator all day long. As the lake continues to heat up, look for the sinking lines and leech patterns to become more effective than the small dries and nymphs.
More Reports
Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Monday, July 1st, 2019
• NDOW to Take Part in National Boating Under the Influence Enforcement Campaign
• Western Nevada NDOW FIshing Report
Bilk Creek Reservoir: Reservoir is Fishing Great
Blue Lakes: Blue Lakes Update
Carson River: Flows Are Running High
Chimney Dam Reservoir: Chimney Reservoir Fishing Report
East Walker River (NV): East Walker Flows Are Really High
Hobart Reservoir: Fishing Has Been Excellent

Nevada Department of Wildlife wardens and local law enforcement officers across the state will be on heightened alert for people boating under...... Read More