The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act

by Nevada Department of Wildlife
We have exciting news! The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (H.R. 3742) will be marked up in the House Natural Resources and Energy Committee tomorrow morning (7am PST, 10am EST). This is an important milestone for the bill and the next step to passing this historic and much-need wildlife resources bill. The bill has strong bi-partisan support with 157 cosponsors representing 41 states and territories, including Representatives Amodei and Horsford from NV. However, we still need you to reach out to your Congressional representative and tell them how important passing Recovering America’s Wildlife Act is to our state. If you’re an early riser, you can catch the hearing here: (If you’re an early riser, you can catch the hearing here:(
More Reports
Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, November 27th, 2019
Lake Mead: Lake Mead Fishing Report
Lake Mohave: Lake Mohave/ Willow Beach Fishing Report
Colorado River - Laughlin: Colorado River Fishing Report
Las Vegas Urban Ponds: Seasonal Trout Plants Have Begun
Kirch Wildlife Management Area: Ice Has Been Lasting Throughout The Day
Eagle Valley Reservoir: Ice is Starting To Cover Most of The Reservoir
Echo Canyon Reservoir: Freezing Temps Has Slowed Down Fishing
• NDOW Southern Fishing Report
Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, November 20th, 2019
Lake Mead: Striper Bite Has Been Best at Sunrise
Lake Mohave: Striper Action Remains Steady
Colorado River - Laughlin: Anglers Enjoying Weekly Rainbow Trout Plants
Las Vegas Urban Ponds: Seasonal Trout Plants Have Begun
Kirch Wildlife Management Area: Thin Ice on Shoreline in The Mornings
Eagle Valley Reservoir: Eagle Valley Reservoir Fishing Report
Echo Canyon Reservoir: Water Levels Slowly Rising
• NDOW Southern Fishing Report