Fall River Report

by The Fly Fishers Place
Wednesday I hit the Fall River with some friends and it was maybe the 1st time I have ever fished the Fall without seeing a viable hatch or rising fish at some point during the day. The fish seemed very inactive, mostly sitting stationary on the bottom, infrequently moving to intercept an occasional drifting nymph.
I managed 4 to the net, 3 on a Purple Perdigon and one on a an Egg type MOP.
Not sure if it was the full moon, previous heavy pressure, or the extraordinarily clear and sunny day, but the fish and the hatch were all taking a break.
The Full Moon is over so I am hopeful the fishing is going to pop back to normal with the fish getting more active and some afternoon BWO and Midges. It will be interesting to watch if the hatch happens when it clouds up again later next week and maybe gets better and better with the precipitation that is coming. My guess is yes.
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