The Middle Deschutes is About Ready to Pop for the 1st Good Hatch of The Year

by The Fly Fishers Place
The Middle Deschutes is about ready to pop for the 1st good hatch of the year. In Mid February the little black stoneflies are the dominate hatch of the month. Getting to the river about noon is about right and carefully fishing the banks with a float-n-fool or black elk hair is the ticket. The water is high so be careful wading, but the irrigation companies will be doing periodic stock runs which they turn on the canals for a few days to allow the farms to refill their ponds for animals. I’d go anytime, but if you can time your day(s) to coincide with the stock run, all the better!
Besides the little stones hatching, stonefly nymphs (including the really big salmonfly nymphs) are excellent choices to fish, with a Pheasant Tail, Prince, or Hares Ear dropper for Winter conditions.
Streamers are also fun to fish on the Middle D!
More Reports
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Thursday, February 4th, 2021
Metolius River: On The Metolius, The Trend is Very Good
Fall River: Fall River is On and Off
Crooked River: Crooked River is Running a Consistent 50 CFS
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Saturday, January 9th, 2021
Metolius River: Metolius is Seeing Good Afternoon Hatches
Crooked River: Crooked River Report
Fall River: Nymphing is Good But the Fish are Educated
Deschutes River: The Middle Deschutes is Running High
Deschutes River- Lower: Euro Nymphing Has Been Picking up
Lake Billy Chinook: Lake Billy Chinook Report
Prinevile Reservoir: Prineville Reservoir Report