Open Year Round But Access Might be Difficult Due to Snow in Upper River

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

The NF Sprague is open year-round but access might be difficult due to snow in the upper river. Flows are high at 94 cfs. Fishing is slow for brook trout, redband trout and the occasional large brown trout. Most of the river is freestone pocket water. Brook trout are more common as you head up river towards the headwaters. Brown trout are most common in the canyon area near the elbow, especially near Boulder Creek.

The river above the elbow is fast moving turbulent water flowing through a canyon. Above Sandhill Crossing the river flows slowly through meadow habitat with lodgepole pine trees providing instream cover. The section from Sandhill Crossing downstream provide a little bit of all the habitat types with good numbers of brook, brown and redband trout.

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for Wednesday, May 5th, 2021
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