Paulina has been in the safe zone for water temps

by The Fly Fishers Place
I am really happy to report Paulina has been in the safe zone water temp wise all week on the 4 days I fished it.
Ranged from 64 to 67 at the surface all week! Boom.
Also, happy to see the callibaetis coming off well now. It isn’t like East that has massive Callibaetis hatches in June, tapering in July, and starting again in August and September. It may be a single brood lake? I am learning more about it every year, this being year #2 that I have adopted it as my favorite place to guide.
Last season I saw the same thing, with the best Callibaetis hatches in August. So, we are almost to August and here they are. Be early and fish the hatch about 7 am to maybe 9, with a good possibility of seeing them again after lunch until about 4.
Hoppers were better than beetles this week. The young guy I guided with his dad yesterday did have a strong finish on Beetles yesterday.
Watermelon Leech and Red 2 Bit and Chironomids are all great now under an indicator from 3 to 20 feet under.
I am still hot on stripping Hot Beaded Leeches on type 3 and type 5 full sink lines.
Dry Damsels were a lot of fun a couple of times this week. I expect more of that this month of August.
We did some wind drifting over weed beds with a Hover line yesterday. That is good too so set your boat up with a Sea Anchor/Drogue/Drift Sock (regional terms for the same tool) and get after that. Also the drogue (my preferred term) will allow you to fish Loch Style and show the fish flies before they ever see the boat. I am doing this more and more on most of our lakes with good success.
More Reports
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Saturday, July 31st, 2021
Metolius River: On the Metolius, hatches are good
Fall River: Over at the Fall River the fishing continues to be very good this summer
Crooked River: Crooked River is running at 200 cfs as they attempt to conserve some water in the reservoir
Deschutes River- Lower: The Lower Deschutes from Warm Springs to Trout Creek continues to be good
Deschutes River: Deschutes River Report
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Saturday, July 24th, 2021
Metolius River: The Metolius continues to be our bread and butter,
Crooked River: The Crooked River remains a good place to fish as flows are stable for now
Deschutes River- Lower: The Lower Deschutes has a split story
Deschutes River: Deschutes River Report
McKenzie River: The McKenzie is fishing really well for us
Fall River: Fall River is good
Santiam River ( North Fork) : The Upper North Santiam is a really good place to go now
Crane Prairie Reservoir: All the same surface temps in the mid-70’s
Hosmer Lake: Hosmer is Another Place We Should Let Rest
East Lake: East Lake is producing a lot of kokanee on nymphs