Paulina Lake is fishing really quite well

by The Fly Fishers Place
Paulina Lake is fishing really quite well. I’m not getting many fish on beetles or ants yet, water temps are still in the low to high 40’s, likely not inviting for trout to rise to dries much at this time. But the trout are feeding well on Chironomid Pupa #14-18 (olive and red were my best colors this week), #18 PT’s, Balanced Leeches under an indicator and non balanced on an intermediate line were good all week.
Seems the fish moved a tad off the edge and into some slightly deeper water over the weed beds too.
More Reports
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Saturday, June 4th, 2022
Metolius River: The Metolius is fishing quite well
Deschutes River- Lower: The Lower Deschutes is fishing quite well now
Fall River: The Nymph fishing is really productive
McKenzie River: The McKenzie has been really quite good
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Sunday, May 22nd, 2022
East Lake: East Lake Fishing Report
Paulina Lake: Paulina Lake Fishing Report
Crane Prairie Reservoir: Crane Prairie Fishing Report
Hosmer Lake: Hosmer Lake still snowed in
Deschutes River- Lower: This week could be absolutely perfect conditions for the hatch
Metolius River: We are seeing increasing numbers of Green Drakes and PMD’s
Crooked River: The Mother’s Day Caddis hatch is the main thing going now
Fall River: Fall River is fishing quite good
Deschutes River: The Middle Deschutes is fishing well from Bend to Lake Billy Chinook
McKenzie River: The McKenzie River is running quite high
• North and South Twin are good bets for tubers, pontoons and row boats
Davis Lake: Davis Lake Report
Three Creek Lake: Three Creeks Lake Update