Spring Chinook fishing continues to improve on the Nestucca
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Spring Chinook fishing continues to improve on the Nestucca. Quite a few fish have returned to the hatchery and fish are throughout the fishery. Coastal Chinook can be challenging, but there appear to be fair numbers of them around. Fishing first and last light will increase the odds of success. Flows are still good for drifting from First bridge down, although the river will be dropping throughout the week. The Little Nestucca River has a hatchery spring Chinook release as well, and fish should be in that river also, up to Stella Falls.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, June 23rd, 2022Grande Ronde River: Flows on the Grande Ronde River have been dropping
Imnaha River: Trout fishing may be good during periods of moderated flows
Umatilla River: Summer steelhead fishing on the Umatilla River is now closed
Wallowa River: Flows on the Wallowa River probably will be somewhat elevated over the next couple weeks
Lake Billy Chinook: Bass are biting well
Clear Lake: Will be stocked again this week
Coast Fork Willamette River: Was last stocked the week of June 13
McKenzie River: Spring Chinook – This week the fishing conditions look good!
Middle Fork of the Williamette: Middle Fork of The Williamette Report
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Malheur Reservoir
HINES, Ore. – Due to drought conditions and low water levels in the Malheur Reservoir, Warm Springs Reservoir, and portions of...... Read More